Featured Listings

Promote your firm with a featured listing

Gain significant exposure to potential clients, candidates and consulting firms looking for partnerships. For a low annual fee your featured listing provides excellent value -- your first new client or new recruit will more than recoup the cost. With more than twenty thousand visitors each month, all looking for US based consulting firms, The Consulting Bench is an outstanding place to increase your firm's visibility.

Audience Profile

Our audience is tightly focused on the consulting industry:

  • More than 25,000 unique visitors each month
  • More than 80,000 page views each month
  • Over 85% of our visitors are from the U.S. We believe that many of the overseas visitors are US residents who are travelling on business.

What is included?

A featured listing includes:

  • Prominent positioning of your firm above all basic listings.
  • Highlighting of your firm's listing.
  • Inclusion of your company logo to attract further attention to your listing.
  • A fully branded and customized page describing your company, its services and contact information.

You can see an example of a featured listing here.

What packages are available?

There are three options to choose from:

Bronze Package

Includes a featured listing in one service line and up to three contiguous States*.

$99 per annum

Silver Package

Includes a featured listing up to two service lines and up to five contiguous States*.

$599 per annum

Gold Package

Includes a featured listing in all service lines and States*.

$7,990 per annum

* To be listed in a State your firm must have a physical location in that State.

To discuss your options or to make arrangements for your featured listing please email us at info@